Recently we started a new devotional, “Live Intimately; Lessons from the Upper Room” by Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose. In today’s devotion they made the point that Jesus knew that Judas was about to betray Him, yet He washed the feet of all 12 disciples, including Judas.(John 13). Foot washing was the job of a lowly servant, certainly not that of a Lord or Teacher. These were some of the last moments Jesus would have with his treasured few before He would face the ultimate sacrifice, and He wanted to make them count.
In today’s lesson the authors challenged us to think of a time when we felt betrayed. It didn’t take long for us to recall the bitter sting of the first time our newly wed husband assaulted us with an on-slot of foul and demeaning words. We had only been married one week when that happened. When we asked him where that had come from, he told us we had it coming to us because we had forced him to deceive us about his temper prior to the wedding (on the basis that if he had been honest with us about it we would not have married him). Yes, we felt very betrayed. But as I continued to contemplate that betrayal and many more to come from the same source over the following years, it suddenly came back to me that we had even washed our first husband’s feet as part of the wedding ceremony. As I reflected back on the symbolism we intentionally included in the service, my heart became very sad. If I had known of the intentional betrayal of my first husband, would I/we have gone through with the wedding? I sincerely doubt it.
Reflecting back I wondered at the amazing love and sacrifice our Lord intentionally bestowed on us despite the many times we betray Him. Even as He faced the agony of the cross He knew how many times over He would be betrayed and how frequently His sacrifice would be taken for granted by people who called Him Savior. It certainly has given me much to ponder.