A New Experience

It’s been a strange day today. I have been working on writing the book lately, and actually making some minimal progress. Anyway, I had a session with the EMDR therapist this morning, and it was very much a closer type session. We focused mainly on a printout my other therapist had given me on attachment to perpetrators, but moved from there to focus more on a broad overview of the progress we have made recently. I feel like I’m in a pretty good space, but that ussually means another major switch is about to occur. By major switch, I mean that the primary personality who is out most of the time changes to another personality who is struggling with issues that are pressing and need resolution. Normally that just automatically happens as soon as the crosier occurs for the one who has been predominantly out; but this time I am in a strange state of limbo.

I am aware of some deep sorrow that doesn’t fit with how I am in general, and it doesn’t seem to be attached to any of my thoughts. It could be that I’m sensing the grief of whoever will be out soon; but I’m not aware of anyone else who has had this feeling of being in limbo, just waiting for a switch to occur.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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