I have been working for the past few days on a post (that at this point is looking like it will be more than one post). I am very much feeling the need to at least post this brief explanation.
I am the same Beth who wrote the post about Abigail’s experience when she came out for the first time inĀ a very long time. I did explain, I believe, when I wrote that post, that I was writing about her experience, not my own. Still, others inside have been a bit concerned that my view or memory of the events were incomplete and not in line with Abigail’s. I’m sure now, as I was then, that Abigail will tell her view; and I would assume that it would be obvious that her account will be more accurate and detailed than mine. If there would be any doubt, please let me clear that up right now. I have told about the experience as best I can recall. Still, I fully acknowledge that my recall may be lacking in some areas.
Actually, this has been the first time since our recent surgeries that we have been able to have any real communication between personalities. Up until now whoever was out was very isolated from anyone internally, so in some sense this is an indication that healing is taking place internally as well as physically.
Much more healing needs to take place before we are functioning at a level close to our previous selves, and I am exhausted for all the effort I have extended these past few days trying to improve our ability to function. For this reason I will have to again delay the posting of the other piece which has been an actual joint effort on the part of The Many of Me. I wish I could convey the significance of that statement alone, but suffice it to say that it has been a very encouraging occurrence after a prolonged period of discouraging experiences.