An Exercise in Frustration – Oh, I mean Patience

Recently we have been struggling significantly with health due to adverse reaction to medication. One of the annoying aspects, one of several – I might add, has been very blurry vision. If you really want to appreciate the wonderful gift that sight is, try going without it for several days.

But that is not what this post is about. It is merely the backdrop. You see(pun intended), you can only fully appreciate the day we have had today if you understand the background.

It was stormy today, on and off, so before our Beloved left for work he went around the house systematically unplugging electrical things around the house – of course the internet connection and both computers, to begin with; but not excluding the washer & dryer, and the stove. He takes care of these details on a regular basis and there is infrequently any need for us to be aware; but today I “needed” to use both computers, the washer and dryer, and the stove at various times. I gave up on washer and dryer, called Beloved three times (at least) in effort to get all the internet and computer #1 functional, waited for his return (and of course he was delayed at work with a kinky problem he needed to solve before leaving) to get this computer functional, and ate bread, butter, and jelly (plus one banana) throughout the day. I attempted to work on a project upstairs but was driven away by an intensely unpleasant odor (we won’t go there), I didn’t realize the stove was unplugged until I tried (unsuccessfully) to get the gas to light – and got a nasty migraine for that attempt, tried to knit baby blanket for unborn granddaughter but had to rip it out THREE separate times before giving up entirely,and a few more frustrating things occurred – all together driving me to lie down on the bed and attempt to rest on four separate occasions – each time unsuccessfully.

HOWEVER, each time I went to bed and couldn’t rest I resorted to praying until I had been calmed enough to get up and try again. All my children, their spouses (and spouses-yet-to-be), grandchildren (born and unborn and unnumbered as of yet), of course my Beloved, my friends, my children’s friends, and various members of the on-line community I am very fond of – all were thoroughly prayed over (some many times over) during the day today. All in all it was a highly successful day – don’t you think?

Oh yeah, the backdrop – I thought I was frustrated by the adverse reaction of my body to medication…Until today – there really is no comparison.

About Gretchen

I am one of earliest personality to be created, and I am about 20 years older than body. When people how can this be true, I explain that theory is when body was infant there was need for adult to always be available to nurture and protect, who would never leave baby. Read my complete introduction at
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