Apologies Again/ Getting Started on X

I keep promising to do better about posting, and then immediately get further delayed. I have a good excuse, though. One of my dear daughters is getting married in about another week, so I have had to juggle projects for that, therapy and gift knitting projects, and still have some sewing projects that are needing to be done. My plan is to do a few posts today and post date some of them so I can get ready for upcoming wedding and anniversary week of camping.

The focus I have been intending to center in on is the history of my first marriage to X, so I’m going to launch into that now.

I first met X when I went to visit the college I attended my first year. It was during my senior year of high school, and my long-term boyfriend was a freshman at the college I was visiting, but that wasn’t the only thing that drew my to this college. It had originally been founded by our denomination, and both of my parents in addition to my grandfather and many aunts and uncles attended and/or graduated from that college. Call me sentimental, but I really deeply wanted to attend and graduate from this college. X was a fraternity brother to my boyfriend, so I was introduced to him as well as several other fraternity brothers and friends during that first visit. Several of the fraternity brothers connected with me from the very start for a variety of reasons. I was drawn to X because of his fervent faith centered in his Catholicism. Another guy was very proud of his Indian heritage and most of the time he wore a buck skin pants and jacket that he had made entirely by himself. One group of boyfriend’s friends that I did not get along with at all were boyfriend’s room mates and a nucleolus of other friends who were extremely arrogant and spoiled brats (in my opinion). Since boyfriend prioritized these friends over fraternity brothers, most of my spare time during my freshman year of college was spent with boyfriend’s fraternity brothers while boyfriend spent most of his spare time with his elitist friends. Boyfriend would call and chat with me for about 15 to 30 minutes most days and managed to have some time to spend with me on weekends, but most of my spare time during that freshman year was spent with fraternity brothers, not with boyfriend. That gave me somewhat frequent contact with X, but nothing that could be misconstrued as romantic in the least. To me he was “one of the guys” and that was all.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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