Attachment to Perpetrator & Locus of Control Shift

One of my therapists has been talking to us about Attachment to Perpetrator and Locus of Control Shift, which are theories about people with dissociative disorders and therapies to help them. A few weeks ago she gave us a photocopy of an outline that presented the concepts, and then this week she gave us a copy of a few paragraphs that were about them. I read them tonight, and I must say I wasn’t favorably impressed. The author came across to us as an arrogant dangerous person who I would stay clear of at all cost. Ironically, I realized that he would interpret my objections to him as evidence supporting his theory. Thankfully I don’t have to deal with him personally, and I have a strong relationship with my therapist so I will be able to discuss my feelings about this with her in our next session.

My objections have more to do with how the author presented himself and his positions rather than the material itself. He bragged on himself prolifically in some places, and he made assertions that he confirmed his theory as being true of 100% of his clients. We have encountered a few people in our personal experience who sounded very much like this man, and they became hostile toward us when we disagreed with them or didn’t fit into the mold they were so proud of making. All my gut instincts tell me to flee from this type of person, so we will see what happens when I discuss this with our therapist. I think she has a very different view of the man.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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