This gallery contains 4 photos.
I’m also including photos of other glass fused projects I have completed recently – some window decorations, a spoon dish for the stove top, jewelry and barrettes.
Written by Plex 10/5/11 O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness towards me endure forever! Let the many of me now say that His mercy and loving-kindness toward us endure forever. Let … Continue reading
One of the many of Plex: Recently I was talking with a friend about discomfort I felt around certain people. I didn’t really know why I felt this discomfort. The people didn’t do or say anything that I disliked, and … Continue reading
Traditionally this is a day of many preparations around here, so today seems a bit subdued. In fact, it’s been downright quiet. I cracked a rib or two about a week ago, so I’m spending a lot of time in … Continue reading
One of the Plex personalities Today was a real struggle the whole day long. I’m not sure how many times I attempted to get up, dressed, and doing something productive, each time ending up back in bed. Extreme physical pain, … Continue reading
The Scripture reference is from Timothy 1:1-6 When our children were little we made a nightly routine of praying with and for them just before singing them a lullaby to help them go to sleep. There was a season of … Continue reading
A curious issue came to our attention during our most recent EMDR session. Up until that session it was our understanding that sleep deprivation only occurred when a personality was out and was not sleeping well. It was assumed that … Continue reading
Life crisis happens to everyone. Recently the person who has been making our posts for us in this blog has been going through a major life crisis that has interrupted her ability to continue to help us in this manor. … Continue reading
***Editors note: Though currently filed under Abigail, this post was written by Plex. I will be working on changing that, but have been busy. *** I find it rather unsettling that I’m owning my name right now – I haven’t … Continue reading
This gallery contains 4 photos.
I’m also including photos of other glass fused projects I have completed recently – some window decorations, a spoon dish for the stove top, jewelry and barrettes.
This gallery contains 4 photos.
Another hobby we enjoy frequently is making fused glass. These are two cats I designed and cut, and some 4″ and 5″ discs that can be used as trivets or hang in a window.