Being Redeemed

Redeemed is a rather “churchie” word. I suppose it could also be a financial word; but not many people use it in their every day conversation. I want to tell you how and why I chose the name, Redeemed.

I explained in an earlier post about being stuck out two Decembers ago. When that started, I didn’t have a name I was identified with. I might have had a name for internal identification before the traumatic deliverance sessions occurred, but I doubt it. There was no need for me to have a name since my whole purpose was to be a connection between personalities. I was all about not being identified.

But then came that fateful time when I was stuck out for an extended period of time. All the wishing not to need a name became pointless. For the first time in my life I was telling my story, dealing with my pain, and healing emotionally and spiritually. But how does one go about choosing a name for oneself? It didn’t seem right to me. I prayed for about a month, asking God to reveal to me what my name should be. It finally struck me when I was reading a passage of Scripture.

Redemption occurs when someone or something of value is in jeopardy of being lost or forfeited. I was in danger of becoming lost in my sin and dysfunction. My response to being deeply injured and offended was to become embittered and distrusting. I could not overcome the thoughts and behaviors that dominated and dictated my life. I needed a Redeemer – Someone who would look past the sins that were done to me and made me feel dirty, past my sinful responses which had penetrated so deep within my soul that they tainted even my very spirit, to the hurting, vulnerable me reaching out for help and redemption. Someone who could and would pay the price for my soul, and not merely clean me up but remake me brand new into someone who could reflect His mercy and grace to others who also needed a Redeemer. After all He did for me, how could I possibly keep it to myself? Could you if He had done it for you? Did He do it for you, too? If you are still in need of a Redeemer, spend some time getting to know the One who redeemed me. Read the gospel of John, and if you need help in making the commitment to become one of His, call 1-888-NEEDHIM. I think they have people on line to help too. Google NEED HIM and I think you will find them – someone who can help you know the important steps that need to follow the decision to follow Jesus Christ.

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