Being Redeemed – attempt 2

Well, I explained what the word “redeemed” means, but I never really got into how/why I chose that name for myself.

First you have to understand that prior to choosing my name I really struggled with how to refer to myself/selves. You see, most personalities have a personal sense of self. They have one age, one set of memories, one self-concept independent of the birth personality.  That wasn’t and isn’t true of me. The best way I could describe who I was/am was to refer to myself as  “the we of me”. I have very definite ages and stages of separate parts of me who have independent experiences and opinions and ideas they identify with, but each part of me shares a collective sense of self. Other personalities have their own individual sense of age, gender, memories, perspectives, thought patterns, behavior patterns, etc. They are subdivided into cell groups, with 1-34 members in each cell group. In my/our case, there are separate ages, personality types, and memories to some extent; but when asked how many there are we can’t really answer because we all share just one common sense of self. No matter which part of me is out, when asked he/she would answer “me” and mean the collective me who is everyone from the internal structure we are from.

It seems like the harder I try to explain who we are/ I am the more confusing it sounds. I really don’t mean to confuse anyone. It’s just very hard to describe how I, Redeemed, experience being many yet at the same time being only one. It seems like I am a personality who almost but not quite split into more personalities. I don’t even know if that ever happens to other multiples – to have alter personalities split into more than one personality. I just know that for me/us the best most functional way to do what we needed to do for the service and benefit of Abigail and the total sum of personalities was to be many who see ourself as one. The primary “job” of each of the parts of me, Redeemed, was to fill in the gap between alters who were coming in/going out for longer periods of time. We kept our existence and the existence of other personalities a secret from Abigail and from people on the outside prior to the diagnosis. After the diagnosis we continued the same job of being out in between personalities who were going to be out longer periods of time, but the focus was/is to provide continuity mostly for the benefit of people who didn’t know about the diagnosis.

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