Choosing a Name

I’ve been out now for months. Although other personalities have been out for short stints, I have been dominant ever since the depression started on it’s downward slope. I’ve been using a log-on that is there for anyone who doesn’t have a name or doesn’t want to be identified by their name. In my case, I don’t have a name (or, more likely, I had one at one time but a severe trauma has caused it to be erased from my memory) and haven’t had any desire or motivation to choose a new one for myself. Now that the depression is getting lighter, it’s time to begin thinking seriously about a name for myself. But – how to go about doing that is my first dilemma.

Different ones of us have tackled the problem in different ways. Some choose a name from the Bible based on characteristics that they see in themselves that are also present in the Bible character with that name. Some go to the Bible Dictionary in the back of the Bible and choose a name based on the meaning of the name. Some go to a baby name resource and choose a name based on the information given there. Some have prayed and waited for God to reveal a name to them, and others base it on their experiences while out or their trauma of origin. There are no rules, except one (that I can think of) – a name cannot be derogatory or reflect poorly on the personality choosing the name – no self-put-downs. Oh yeah, there is another – each personality chooses their own name.That leaves a lot of room for creativity (of which I have little currently) or choice. It’s not an urgent need, so I don’t have to pressure myself about it.

I guess that’s about all I have to say on the subject for now. Will update you all as I keep working it all out.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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