Christian Radio and the Many of Me

written by Plex

You may have noticed, I reference several radio broadcasts. I’m thinking it’s about time I explain why.

Back in the days when our external children were small and I was married to a man who injured me deeply and significantly on a frequent basis, I was desperate for healthy input and instruction on how to be a good Christian wife and mother as well as spiritual nurturing. Christian radio met that need.

During the years when I spent a lot of time in the hospital, I became more regular in my Christian radio listening, making a point to listen to certain programs nearly every day. There were children’s programs, like “Adventures in Odyssey” produced by Focus on the Family and “Uncle Charlie” – a radio program my mother listened to when she was younger and I remember from my childhood. Both my internal children and external children could enjoy listening to these together. There were also several programs directed towards parenting and marriage issues; and others were focused on  sound Bible teaching, like Chuck Swindol’s  “Insight for Living” and another one that for some reason escapes my memory right now. These became a source of daily Spiritual nurturing and instruction that were even more crucial to me when I frequently was unable to attend church.

Even though life has brought about many changes and a variety of new challenges, Christian radio continues to be a significant part of our life. We make a point to financially support our local Christian radio stations as well as some of the programs that we listen to regularly.

If you relate to the need for spiritual nurturing and practical instruction and inspiration for daily living, we encourage you to find your local Christian radio station and benefit from all they have to offer. If you already listen to Christian radio, we encourage you to also financially support your station as well as any program you benefit from on a regular basis.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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