Coming back – Gretchen

It has been a while since I have been out and had chance to write for blog. It has been hard to wait while site was being cleaned up after being attacked with viruses. It would seem someone is not happy with what we were saying – perhaps about perpetrators, perhaps about DID in general, or perhaps it was Christian faith that someone found offensive.

It is our preference to address issues directly when they are raised. There are delays involved in me seeing comments made and then being able to address them; but it is our desire to do it as quickly and as completely as possible. This thing of attaching viruses is very underhanded and immature way to deal with distresses, in my opinion. Besides that, how can we know what is cause of distress or how best to address it if the distressed person chooses to express their frustration in this way?

Enough about that, and back to business of blogg.

While we have been unable to post anything we have been contemplating and praying about how best to direct our time and attention here. What needs to be written on blog. We have decided to attempt some examples of what will be in actual book when it is written. Since we have again had access to writing for blog, we have been writing what we envision to be first chapter, or possibly introduction. Very soon now we will have it ready to post here.

It has taken three days to write this small amount due to interruptions, so I will close now to post this. keep watching for book introduction.

About Gretchen

I am one of earliest personality to be created, and I am about 20 years older than body. When people how can this be true, I explain that theory is when body was infant there was need for adult to always be available to nurture and protect, who would never leave baby. Read my complete introduction at
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