Coming to Conclusion

I had what I assume will be my last session with Larry, since he is going on vacation for the whole month of September, and I am sure I will no longer be out by the time he gets back. I’ve grown so much from our sessions together, and I will miss him when I am no longer out.

One of the key issues I wanted to address with Larry was how I should go about connecting with others internally. If the purpose of me being totally separate is over, then it seems to me I should do something to bridge that gap. Larry thinks I don’t need to do anything – that they will get a hold of me when they need me, and when that happens it will be natural for me to respond. When they need the “no” one, they will call on me and I will step in to deal with the situation.

I’m still left with questions. How will I know what the situation is unless I have communication with them? I guess that’s the biggest one. I don’t have an answer. Maybe I will have the opportunity to step back out sometime soon, and it will be like natural to say and do whatever is called for. That’s what I hope for.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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