Convicted and In Process of Correction

First of all, I need to tell you that I am the same personality who has been out semi-consistently for a few weeks now, so the posts that have been written in that time have been mostly written by me (except for Aner’s post…and maybe one of the child personalities did a post – I just can’t recall right now).

As we have mentioned before, Christian radio is a frequent source of Spiritual instruction and encouragement for us. Today we listened to an interview with Ann Graham Lotz on “Living the Promise” with Susie Larson. Ann is the oldest daughter of the evangelist, Billy Graham; and has a ministry called Angels Ministry. She is a well known author and speaker in her own right, and today I was strongly convicted through the interview I heard. (By the way, if you struggle with regular Bible study and personal application, I encourage you to go to her website,, and go to her “free resources” page where she has a few articles on strategies for making your Bible study times a source of life-changing, intimate communion with God.)

As I listened to the program, I became increasingly aware of the Holy Spirit enlightening me about some specific things related to this blog and the book we are writing. I realized that we have been leisurely about posting and making progress towards getting the manuscript written and details planned out for the book, as if it really didn’t matter if we posted consistently or completed the book within any measure of time. We have written what and when we were motivated to do so, with no real organization or strategy or time frame.

We do pray for those who read/will read what we write – that you will be blessed or encouraged or gain new insight into multiplicity, life struggles, and Spiritual growth and maturity. It is our hope and prayer that you will then be better equipped to apply what you learn here to your own lives and/or the lives of people God touches through you. However, we have not followed through with those prayers by being conscientious about prioritizing or planning out what and when we write.

I am not totally clear on specifically all the details of what will be changing or how this new insight will be reflected in future writings. We need to do some more listening to our Savior about the details of what He wants us to do in response; but it seems clear that today will be a point of change in how we go about strategically  prioritizing and organizing what we write and when we write it.

If you read this and are inspired with some ideas or suggestions on what would make this blog more helpful, enjoyable, or useful to you, I would be delighted to receive them. Maybe you will be one of the ways God instructs me on what and how we need to adjust what we are doing so that it can become more of a blessing to you and others.

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