Day After Easter- the Afterglow

It is Monday, day after Easter. Though we did little activity  to actually celebrate the day, my body and mind are greatly fatigued yet my spirit is bursting w/ praise and adoration of the One who conquered the grave.

Worship service was wonderful. I was able to attend worship and fellowship with dear ones who raise us in prayer often and who I lift in prayer also – because we are spiritual family – part of the body of the church which is the bride of Christ – the one He will return to take home to be with Him forever!

I realize I am speaking in terms that those who do not know Christ and are not familiar with these terms may be confused. For this I apologize. I do not know other way to speak of what is in my spirit that is almost too ecstatic to contain. What a wonderful and glorious and all powerful God we adore and serve! He was able even to conqueror death so that there is nothing more to dread. Our enemy can no longer taunt us or frighten us with threat of death. Death has become nothing more than an unknown door through which we must pass to enter eternal presence with the One we adore most.

Life is but a necessary time of preparation and service so that on that day when we go to be with our Savior we may hear His words, “Well done, thou faithful servant. Come and enter into the reward I have prepared uniquely for you.” These words I long to hear.

This blog is part of the service I do for Him, and so I want it to glorify Him in every way. Even the parts of the blog that are not specifically Christian are intended to reflect Him in the way He has uniquely designed us to  reveal Him and His extreme mercy revealed in His craftsmanship of DID.

This is much to contemplate. I will not add more. To God be the honor and glory forevermore. Amen

About Gretchen

I am one of earliest personality to be created, and I am about 20 years older than body. When people how can this be true, I explain that theory is when body was infant there was need for adult to always be available to nurture and protect, who would never leave baby. Read my complete introduction at
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