Devotion – wages for service given in the name of Jesus

Beloved and we enjoyed our time of relaxation and companionship on our annual camping trip to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Now we are home and attempting to settle back into our routine. It’s a bit of an extra challenge since the day after our return I had a doctor appointment and discovered I have a stress fracture (again) in my foot. Last time I had stress fractures in both feet at the same time. I sure do hope none of my children inherit my feet. Between the stress fractures, Fybromyalgia, and Planter Facitis, my feet are a constance source of pain for me.

I think I was posting about my first marriage before the interruption and delays of posting but I’m not sure where I left off. I will have to work on some internal communication to figure that out.

In the meanwhile, I found today’s devotions to be challenging. Rarely do I think about the rewards we will receive in heaven for the services and kindnesses given to others in the name of Jesus while living here on earth. I was surprised to discover all the verses listed in the devotional on that topic. Actually, the verses speak to both the rewards here on earth as well as the ones we will receive in heaven. I’m feeling convicted that I need to be more diligent in my efforts to post regularly as well as make steady headway on the book writing. I sincerely hope and pray that both will be a source of help and encouragement to those who read either one.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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