Faith as a Multiple

One of the significant things that stands out for me in the other DID blogs is the absence of faith, specifically faith in Jesus Christ. As I look back over the years I have been in therapy, I know that I know that I know that God has guided me and my situations, orchestrating my healing journey. There were times I felt I couldn’t go on; but in those moments I cried out to God to be my Rescuer, and He was. Even in those multiple moments when life seemed pretty much status-quo I was grateful for His reassuring presence. I just don’t know how anyone goes through this without the help and guidance of a loving, tender Heavenly Father.

There are many ways and times when my earthly father let me down; but just as He promised, God has never failed me. I couldn’t always see His hand in the moment, but hind sight has made it clear that God has been completely faithful. I know that it is especially hard to trust God as a faithful Father when your earthly father let you down in big ways; but I also know that God is near to the broken hearted and He will hear and answer prayer to anyone who calls out to Him in sincerity.

So right now I pray for the brokenhearted who read this blog. I pray that they are able to overcome every barrier that stands in the way of them coming to a trusting, loving relationship with their Creator.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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