I Corinthians 12:4-11

One of the many of Plex:

Recently I was talking with a friend about discomfort I felt around certain people. I didn’t really know why I felt this discomfort. The people didn’t do or say anything that I disliked, and others of me didn’t seem to feel uncomfortable around them. It was puzzling me.

My friend knew these people better than I did, and she confirmed that there was good reason for my discomfort with these specific people. She also suggested that perhaps I had the spiritual gift of discernment, and further more that it is entirely likely that each personality may have different spiritual gifts. I had never thought of that before; but it did make sense. Each personality had their own conversion experience and each their own spiritual awareness & knowledge – some of it vastly diverse from the other personalities.

I don’t know that there is any way to really know whether each personality has their own set of spiritual gifts or not, and I’m not sure it really matters, except that it is important that each one be aware of what their spiritual gifts are so that they can exercise them when they are out. It would totally make sense that one of the reasons God would chose to have one personality out in any particular situation is because they have been especially gifted to handle that situation. Do you agree? What are your thoughts about this?

And what about you? Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Do you look for opportunities to use them to minister to the saints God has put in your world; or to validate God’s interests and intentions to demonstrate His great compassion to a lost world without Him?

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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