In Loving Memory

Today was the funeral for my niece. She was a young mother who died very suddenly without any warning. There was no life insurance and the young family have now moved in with my brother.

My heart aches and breaks for them and with them.

It may be hard for some people to understand my strong compassion for a brother who did us such serious harm. It’s not in my nature to wish anyone ill, most absolutely not this kind of tragedy. I had a special session with my counselor today, and he helped me with my grief; and helped me have insight into myself in the midst of this.

So today we praise God for His infinite wisdom and grace. We are thankful for the time we had with our niece, and the blessing her life has been to so many people. We pray for God’s comfort and mercy on the family, and trust Him to work even this into something good and beautiful in His time. Amen.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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