It has Been a While

I, Gretchen, have been out more this time than any previous time.  I do not stay out, but slip in for brief moment to help out inside and staying out here most of the time (which makes the others rather uneasy about changes.

Last week, when I came back from doing EMDR with counselor, it has been especially challenging for all of us. Our counselor attempted to help me through a mental block by holding the tappers (which are normally held in hands) up to my temples; but it hit me like a lightning bolt – a blazing flash of white and  I plummeted into deep distress and trauma. I have had an emergency session yesterday, but until then was unable to drive very well.

Now I am functioning a little better – able to write this post, but it is taking very much longer to put thoughts together on paper. I would pass on to you the need to journal to stay in touch with yourself. It will be both enlightening and stimulating if you pray first and ask God to lead and guide your journaling. We address our journaling to God – like a prayer. That way we don’t really get stuck very often. However, I am also extremely worn out and exhausted.  I am grieving the loss of a sister who lived in our home for three years before we left the State.

I have fallen asleep several times now while typing this, so I will close and try to get some more sleepl


About Gretchen

I am one of earliest personality to be created, and I am about 20 years older than body. When people how can this be true, I explain that theory is when body was infant there was need for adult to always be available to nurture and protect, who would never leave baby. Read my complete introduction at
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