known but not knowing

I had an experience that was totally normal for a multiple but used to make me fee certain I was seriously crazy and I struggled hard to hide the facts from being known to the other person. I met up with a person who was a stranger to me, but it was obvious she knew me well and expected me to introduce her to my offspring. *I scrambled searching through my brain for context of our acquaintance, and came up with a name I was pretty sure was the right name for this person. I introduced her to a son and daughter by that name, and was greatly relieved when it was confirmed that I did have the right name. She said she remembered Youngest son from years ago, and didn’t really know daughter (?), just then another daughter came and completed the introductions for me (whew!)

It’s always so uncomfortable when you are aware that someone clearly knows you and has known you for a long time but you search the deepest resources of your mind for a context of acquaintance or a name and come up a total blank,      We have a personality who is very good at sounding in conversation like she knows what she is talking about but in reality she has no idea and is actively extracting information in the hopes that something they say will spark a note of familiarity. You would be amazed the number of times it works – either we are able to identify how/where we know them from or else we walk away from the conversation without ever giving away to the person that we had no idea who they were or what we were talking about.

It’s just one of the common experiences that every multiple experiences that makes them feel crazy before an accurate diagnosis and embarrassed after the diagnosis.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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