New Old Diagnosis

(delayed publishing -“Today” was a few days ago)

Today we learn from oldest brother that he has cancer…..again. It is his 5th time he has had to battle cancer. Each time before he has endured treatments including some that were very highly potential for life-threatening consequences/side-effects. Each time he has kept a positive attitude and each time he has conquered it completely….so why does it keep coming back?

Here is my belief. Cancer is condition where healthy cells for unknown reasons transform into cells that aggressively attack and destroy healthy cells around them. (this is my understanding, and simplified version at that, but I admit the possibility that I may be wrong). In my brother’s case, each time it has been in his lymph system – the system of the body that is purposed to remove foreign invaders or poisons to the body. I believe that in general much severe illness in the body (especially that is caused by dysfunction of some part of the body) is really at it’s root caused  by storing poisonous secrets instead of admitting truth and dealing with cause or natural consequences of secret. It might be personal anger/rage that was caused by grievous injustice done or perceived that was buried or rejected and not acknowledged/processed through; it may be  violation or assault done that brought shame, and life situations forced person to ignore/bury it  or threat forced person to bury it, or fear caused person to bury it instead of bring it out in the open to be acknowledged, processed, where right and proper reconciliation/recompense can be administered & healing to occur. When these things are buried or not acknowledged for any reason, whether reason seems unavoidable/right or not, they must be stored somewhere- they do not just dissipate or evaporate into thin air.  Sometimes I think they go to the weakest link – the system of body that is weakest or most vulnerable at the time. Sometimes I think they go to system that is most logical – like in oldest brother it goes to lymph system because his secret offenses that he must contain much hidden guilt/responsibility for is poison to whole body; for sister she deals with unacknowledged anger, shame, secrets w/ oldest brother that she does not hold him accountable for – by overeating, especially sugars – so her body system that is attacked is digestive system. This is just theory of mine – so far as I know not backed by any scientific evidence; but I truly wonder if my brother would be permanently free of cancer if he stopped hiding his sin against us(and others) and instead became ally of ours (and others he has also sexually offended) to speak truth, to help heal, and enter into glorifying Christ who has redeemed him and us in & through the process.

This post has become far too long, so I will break it up into separate posts.


About Gretchen

I am one of earliest personality to be created, and I am about 20 years older than body. When people how can this be true, I explain that theory is when body was infant there was need for adult to always be available to nurture and protect, who would never leave baby. Read my complete introduction at
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