New Old Diagnosis – Part 3


In case of brother, he was very successful in burying his responsibility very deep. So far as we know, he never mentioned it to anyone ever again, or discussed it with us unless we brought it up to him again, and in those instances he kept the conversation very brief. Often we would be saying forgiven again and he would be saying how he wished we would just truly completely forgive him and get on with our lives. One time he said he was grieved that we were wasting precious time trying to heal  that should be spent  with growing family.

It must also be said that this is a very narrow view of my brother’s secret sin. I was not only person sexually assaulted by brother; and he has not dealt with each offended person same way. When my other brother confronted him, he responded with anger and denial. My sister has been unwilling to acknowledge offense done to her (so far as I know this remains true, though much time has passed since I know this was true so it is possible some thing/things have transpired between them that I know nothing about), and oldest brother has therefore not been confronted about sin done against her. There seems to be assumption that no sin confessed needs no repentance or forgiveness. (It would seem to be assumed by both brother and sister that if past sin is ignored and/or denied it cannot have any impact on today’s living.) These sins against other siblings would also not be properly dealt with and would also be poisons in oldest brother’s spirit,soul and body  (as well as in the bodies of his victims).

About Gretchen

I am one of earliest personality to be created, and I am about 20 years older than body. When people how can this be true, I explain that theory is when body was infant there was need for adult to always be available to nurture and protect, who would never leave baby. Read my complete introduction at
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