Newby’s More Encounters

Well, I’ve been doing EMDR with both therapists and talked about it with my psychiatrist today. And guess what! My psychiatrist has a therapy dog. Apparently I wasn’t distressed enough to merit too much of the dog’s attention today – he slept through the whole session. I was able to talk about the abuse I did EMDR about without more tears today – a sign that the EMDR is working for me.

I’ve connected with my pre-deliverance name, which is the name Janice; so I will refer to myself with that name from here on in. One of the things that struck me funny was the comments made by my Christian therapist. She was commenting on how I looked, and I figured out later that what she was recognizing was my age, or to be more precise, the difference between my chronological age and my personality age. I’m still only 27, which is much younger than our chronological age. I feel validated when someone recognizes the differences between the many of me. Hummm. I wonder if I should capitalize The Many of Me, since it is what we are using to refer to ourself. The last time I was out, which was many years ago, we were not using that term at all; but I do like it.

I don’t have much else to share. Just wanted to give you all an update. Still struggling to get things written down for the book.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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