My therapists seem to feel this blown-out-of-the-water depression is a sign of progress. Others have come and done their work, each one needing a chance to heal. Now they have decided I am well enough to;
I’m thinking they might we worried that they made the wrong choicel
The new med, Zyprexa, that was added to the Lorazapam to help emotions are out of control.
The truth is that it causes a very fuzzy fog to develop in my head and I find it very hard to type.All my crafts that I’m used to using to calm down and center through darts at my heart because every attempt any of them I end up undoing everything I did or
I feel very useless – very much like a burden – a stinking, putrid piece of rubbish,
the worst part is My oldest son is getting married in a few days, and I don’t know if I will even be fit be seem;
I’ve got to sign off now – just not coherent enough to make sense;