Pray for One Another

The Scripture reference is from Timothy 1:1-6

When our children were little we made a nightly routine of praying with and for them just before singing them a lullaby to help them go to sleep. There was a season of years when I was frequently in the hospital and I could not be with them every night. I made up a prayer poem that I printed out for each of them, and they memorized the words and said them at nights when I couldn’t be with them. Later, when I was with them, the habit of saying that prayer was so deeply ingrained into their going-to-bed process that they wanted to continue reciting it before the lullaby each night. Let’s see if I can still remember all the words:

Dear God, I love these children who are Yours as well as mine;

I so much want to be with them and tell them, “We’ll be fine.

Time now is painful, lonely, slow; and life is insecure;

but by holding onto to Jesus’ hand, we’ll make it through for sure;

At times when it hurts so hard, and their hearts are filled with tears.

Hold them tight for me, O Lord, and comfort all their fears.

Remind them that the time will come we’ll be apart no more,

And those times will be far better than the times we had before.


So what about you? Do you make a point to pray for your children and other members of your family? Every prayer you pray on their behalf goes straight to the heart of God, and He will be about the business of answering them long after you have forgotten the words you prayed.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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