Who is Abigail?

Abigail is a unique individual who has her own way of living life. When Abigail looks into a mirror, a host of unique individuals look back at her. Although she cannot remember a time when she functioned as one solitary personality, she was not diagnosed with MPD (DID) until she was an adult in 1989.

Traumas began very early in her life and posed overwhelming challenges to her survival. Life continued to present seemingly insurmountable barriers but God had equipped her with a unique combination of talents and gifts, both within herself and in the gifts of other people He brought into her life; which have combined to not only make it possible for her to survive but also to enjoy the many blessings of life that come from loving and being loved.

Being born into a Christian family with two parents whose love for each other was only surpassed by their love for their Savior, Abigail was deeply steeped in the teachings of the Bible and the Christian faith. She made this faith her own when she was 9 years old, and it is her intense love for Jesus Christ that has sustained her and been her bright beacon when life’s storms raged around her.

The early traumas laid the groundwork for more traumas later in life, which have had far reaching effects on Abigail’s physical and mental health. Recovering from and coping with these effects has been a huge struggle that has had its victories and defeats along the way.

But Abigail’s life is not all trauma and drama. She attended college and got teaching certifications in Early Childhood, Special Education, and Elementary Education; and she completed all except one 3 credit graduate course in 4 years. She was a pastor’s wife and enjoyed working with young children and their mothers. Most of all she has enjoyed raising 5 of her own children into adulthood (and she is totally convinced that she is now married to the most wonderful man in the world). She is a mother of five surviving children and grandmother to 5 endearing surviving grandchildren (unborn babies not counted but dearly loved and missed). She has many creative outlets that we will also share on this blog.

So you may be asking, “How does a Christian girl with parents who were devoted to Christ encounter struggles and traumas so severe that she must develop different personalities to survive?” The answer to that question is what this blog is all about. Actually, the plan is to write a book that will tell the story from beginning to present, but you are invited to get some early information and maybe be a part of it all.

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