SRA – The Untold Remains Untold

SRA, or Satanic Ritualistic Abuse, is a topic that is hard to ignore when giving a thorough talk about DID. In my life, there are too many indicators that it was a part of my life at certain times in my life to discount them altogether. My brother who is also a multiple and has memories of SRA and I can confirm too many details, completing each others statements and filling in the blanks for each other so say they couldn’t have happened. I have alters who claim to be created through SRA for SRA purposes; and their testimonies as well as the transformations I have seen and experienced in their lives are all powerful indicators that SRA was in fact part of my life story.

However, I can’t imagine how in the world they could have truly occurred in my life. The individuals involved according to those “memories” are people I can’t fathom being involved in such things. It puts me in a dilemma – how can I accept as valid memories what seems completely impossible, yet how can I deny the reality of the personalities who hold those memories?

I’m not at a place where I am able and/or willing to state SRA “memories” as reality. Therefore, I will not report the details of which I cannot embrace as fact. Even if I were to assume they are accurate, I would not choose to tell details of those memories. It would break trust with internal personalities who have shared them in confidence for the purpose of our healing only. I can think of no good that would come of it, and great potential harm could come.

For all these reasons, I ask that you respectfully accept my silence on the details of this topic.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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