Struggling Onward

The changes in my meds are causing me to have severe migraines, so I’m in bed a lot. I’m trying to use the time to contemplate the new turn of events with my therapy. Sometimes I think I’m heading down the wrong trail – that maybe the view of my dad as codependent instead of a man of great service is too harsh and off the mark. I’ve encountered many people who have ego’s bigger than life and do service to others just to get praise, and my dad is not like that. His heart is for the people he serves, and he tries to gently lead them to make better life choices. On the other hand, if you focus on what brings him pleasure and where he finds identity, it is in service. There have been relationships that were unhealthy, still are in some cases. Some very mentally unhealthy people attach to him and he is willing to devote a huge amount of his time talking to them and helping them out in their lives. He doesn’t coddle them or tell them they are doing right when they really aren’t, but he doesn’t set healthy boundaries that would drive them away.

I’m still trying to figure this out. Will update again soon.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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