
My writers magazine says its important to write when you feel like writing and when you don’t. Today I do not feel like writing. I just feel like crying. For the past few days my heart has been very heavy for my external children. I don’t really know why; but my spirit cries out for them, for God to shower His mercy upon them, and draw them closer to Him than ever before. One of my offspring is not choosing to let Christ live in and through her right now (and hasn’t for a number of years) so it is common for my heart to lift toward Heaven grieving and pleading on her behalf. And while she is definitely included in my pleas, she is not the only one my heart is breaking over these days. In fact, each one of our offspring, their beloveds, and their offspring are all weighing heavy on my heart and soul.

It’s exhausting to carry this burden of love – one I gladly bear, so I find the need to rest also weighing down on me.

Oh most Holy and Righteous Beloved Savior; I lift my aching heart to You. You alone know the deep soul needs of my dear family members, but I lift them each one up to You to meet each ones needs in this moment, in this day, in these times. I lay my burden down at Your feet and entrust it to You. You love them more dearly than I do, and You are alone capable of meeting all their deepest needs. If there is more that I need to do, then please lead me to act according to Your will and timing. Amen

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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