The Art of Forgiving by Lewis B. Smedes

This morning I reached for an old favorite devotional and what came out with my Bible was a book I borrowed (from a therapist or a friend, not quite sure which) by the title in the Heading of this post. The subtitle was:  “When You Need to Forgive and Don’t Know How”. I opened it to the chapter I had marked with a bookmark and the title of the chapter was, “Owning our Pain”. It starts out talking about the difference between owning something and possessing it; and then proceeds to list five basic steps to take in order to own your pain.

There were several chords this chapter rung in me. I don’t really want to go into a synopsis of the chapter, but I do want to say that it was well timed and spoke to the pain in my heart that I am struggling with right now. I’ve been negligent towards my personal Bible study and devotional reading for a while now, so it just felt good to have that time with God to share intimate thoughts and to be reminded of His perspective on my issues.

I received a comment here that I have been weak in posting photos of my work lately. Quite honestly, I’ve been unable to produce much in the way of creative writing or art work while struggling with the depression; but with improvements coming in the area of depression, there has been a return of some of my creative expressions also. I will try to make a point to post photos of some of my work here.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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