The Importance of Remembering

It’s easy to get lost in the pressure of daily functioning and forget that there are longer term things to keep in mind. Yesterday I heard a message on Christian radio about the importance of remembering the things God has done for us in the past to give us courage and encouragement to face the challenges that we are facing today. For a Scripture reference the speaker noted that the first thing the Israelites were told to do after God lead them across the Jordon river was to build a pillar of stones. The purpose of that monument was so that when the children of Israel came to that pillar of stones in the future and asked their parents what it was there for, the parents could tell the children about how God lead them across dry ground right through the Jordon to enter into their promised land. It was intended to give them courage to fight the inhabitants of the land and reclaim the land for God and His chosen people.

The message reminded me that I have been given an awesome challenge to write about our experiences and how God has provided for us in our life. I must restore within myselves the drive to remember and record events as I experienced them for the benefit of others who need to hear my life events. I have been struggling so hard just to function every day that I have lost sight of the goal. I needed to be reminded of what God wants us to do. With His guidance and leading we will attempt to move forward and face the hurdles that stand in the way.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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