The Little Drummer Boy/ Me & my blog


“Come, they told me, Pa rum pum pum pum”

Does that bring back sweet memories from the past for you, too? It surely does for me.

I was listening to that favorite Christmas carol just yesterday when my mind took me on a twisted journey of insight. I’m hoping I can express it in a way that will be meaningful to you, too.

One of my favorite Christmas memories is watching the TV animated version of “The Little Drummer Boy” that played around this time of year every year for quite a while. Since we rarely watch any TV at all anymore, I have no idea if it is still being played or maybe even is available to purchase today. One of the added twists of the story includes a favorite pet lamb being badly injured in a freak accident just before the drummer boy reaches the manger. The drummer boy lovingly places the injured lamb down before the infant, Jesus; and while he plays his drum for the Christ Child the lamb is restored to health.( I’m not sure if I have all the details correct in this case – it’s been so long since I’ve seen it; but that is how I remember it, anyway.)

Yesterday, as I was listening to the song play, the images of the TV version played back in my head.

“I am a poor boy, too pa rum pum pum pum.” [I thought of our Christmases during our childhood – how there was always a small amount of gifts under our tree compared to the gifts my friends received, but we didn’t feel the lack very much because of the warm and treasured memories of Christmas experiences and worship that filled the season with non material blessings.]

“I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum. That’s fit to give a king, pa rum pum pum pum” [here comes the twist: My mind went to a message I heard some years ago – I don’t remember who was speaking, but they were talking about when Moses was at the burning bush arguing with God about His idea that Moses was the man He was choosing to go to Egypt and demand that Pharaoh set His people free. The speaker was focusing on the part where God asked Moses, “What’s that you have in your hand” and Moses replied it was the Shepherd’s rod he used to guide the sheep. He made the point that God used the tool in Moses hand to work miracles that brought about His purposes; and then asked the listener to think about what tool is in the listeners hand – a spatula? a wrench? a computer?…that God wants to use in the listener’s life to bring about His purposes. I thought about what I have to bring as a gift to my Savior and King; and I thought about this blog.]

“Shall I play for You, pa rum pum pum pum. On my drum…I played my best for Him  pa rum pum pum pum” [In my heart I spoke to my King as I lifted this blog up to Him, presenting it to Him as a gift offering, “Here is my gift to You, Precious Savior. With Your blessing I will do my best to honor You with this gift I bring. May it give You honor and be the instrument You can use for Your purposes for our life.”]

“Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum.”  [Me and my blog]


About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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