Today’s devotional from Walk in the Word: Judges 21:24-25

I have tried to make a point to tell about the miracles God has done in our lives to my children, but there is one who doesn’t currently express an awareness of God’s mercy and grace to her personally – at least not at this time in her life. I believe in my heart of hearts that she will again someday turn back to her Lord and Savior, but only God knows what it will take or when it will happen. In the mean while, she does what seems right and just in her own eyes, just like this passage says. In fact, I know many proclaiming Christians who also live their lives basing their actions and decisions on whatever seems right in their own eyes. In fact, we have had  internal debates about what we should do or how we should handle something when our own desires are in conflict with what we understand the Bible to be telling us to do (which is somewhat different than the debates everyone has within their own minds from time to time – I know this because we can experience those internal debates going on inside individual personalities at the same time. Talk about confusing commotion!)

We have experienced numerous miracles in our life personally; and our family has experienced many more. I strongly suspect there are many Christians who are clueless about all the miracles God has done in their lives – they are just unaware.

There is one we refer to as our Red Sea experience. It happened at a time in our life when we were frequently hospitalized for both medical and psychological reasons. We were married to a man we were afraid to leave the children with, so we requested social services to provide a safe temporary home for our children while we were hospitalized. Social services did as we asked, but they were very determined to keep the children out of our care permanently because of biases they have against parents who have our diagnosis. They had support in powerful places, some who were willing to falsify and manipulate facts in our case in order to prevent the children from being returned to our care. I understand the logic involved; and it seems sound. It just doesn’t hold water in our case.

The lawyer appointed by the courts to look out for the best interests of the children recognized the children were best off in our care and therefore sided with our lawyer; but social services had put together a strong case against us by unethical means. The lawyers representing us and our children went into this court hearing certain that all was lost; but God held the heart of the judge in His hands and through circumstances outside of the control of lawyers caused the judge to do something off the charts abnormal which closed the case against us immediately and destroyed all the records pertaining to our case. The lawyers were shocked! But God wasn’t done. He also provided a safe place for the children where they made happy life time memories while I continued to get well.

We call this our Red Sea experience because we were hemmed in on all sides by our enemy and our situation appeared hopeless to the professionals; yet God miraculously intervened on our behalf and delivered us completely from our enemies. The last time I knew about, those lawyers still had photographs of our children on their bookshelves to remind them of how God worked on that day.

So what about you? Are you aware of the miracles God has done for you and/or your family? Do you talk about them to your children so that they can learn to give God credit for what He does for them? If you care to share them, I would love to learn about them and praise God for them with you.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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