What God Wants for Christmas

Family Life Today has created a wonderful tool to help children grasp what celebrating Christmas is really all about. It is a multimedia presentation anyone can use who has access to a CD player, a little space, and some inquisitive children. It’s designed to build a child’s anticipation by taking a few moments seven different times in the same way advent does (in fact, in can be used throughout the advent season) to focus on one aspect of the Christmas story. In the case of What God Wants for Christmas, each session begins with opening one of seven presents.  Inside each present is a piece of a Christmas creche, and the words that can be read out of a book that is included or listened to on the CD are presented in rhyme expressing the story as being told from the perspective  of the creche piece that is inside the present. Each time the anticipation is built for what will be in the last present which is what God wants for Christmas from each child. The last box is empty except for a mirror inside the bottom so when the child looks inside the box he sees his/her own reflection as a representation of what God wants for Christmas. The kit includes a flyer/tract on how to lead a child to accept Christ into their own heart, and a stand-up creche to place each piece into when it is opened.  The whole thing comes in a box that makes storage between Christmas’s easy, so it can be used year after year.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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