When Alters Are Created

Illustration to describe how alters evolve

Illustration of Self to show "splitting"

This illustration is a sketch created to explain the development of alters and show how they are created out of one core being.

Outer ring of circle represents physical body. That includes blood pressure, physical features, internal orgains – all of person that is physical body.

Middle ring represents soul. That includes, intellect, will,  and emotions.

Center ring represent Spirit. This is persons sense of purpose for life, spirituality, drive to survive.

All together it represents one whole person. When person creates separate personality, it is like a slice is taken out that cuts across all lines. Each personality has own separate self with own spirit, soul, and body, yet new self is taken out of old self and is actually part of whole.

This also will be further developed to illustrate  being out or in and switching in a separate post.


About Gretchen

I am one of earliest personality to be created, and I am about 20 years older than body. When people how can this be true, I explain that theory is when body was infant there was need for adult to always be available to nurture and protect, who would never leave baby. Read my complete introduction at http://themanyofme.com/introduction-gretchen/
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