Writing Thru the Tears

This depression is weighing so heavily on me/us. Today’s devotions were spot on. The title is “Perfect Through Sufferings”. Much of the focus of the devotions is on how Jesus suffered for us, and also speaks to our sufferings. It’s important to keep perspective when feelings are so low – the Christ is intimately acquainted with all our grief, and His sufferings on our behalves far exceeded our own troubles.

It’s been weeks now since I have done any writing for the book. I just can’t seem to get my brain to focus on it at all. I’m beginning to wonder if God wants us to write out of our grieving instead of waiting for a time when we aren’t so down. I’m reminded of seasons of our life when we would listen to Christian radio for hours almost every day, longing to hear someone speak to the grief I was feeling from a perspective of actively being there in the moment instead of from a “been there/ done that” perspective. Maybe I’m supposed to write to the aching hearts who will read our words written in the “here and now” sufferings. Not sure, but maybe.

About Abigail

Abigail is the core personality.
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